Denis Kasak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Mike Schilling wrote:
>> Threaded mail-readers too, screen-based editors , spell-checkers, all 
>> useless frills.
> Interestingly enough, I have explained my opinion in the part of the 
> post you have trimmed. On the other hand, things you mentioned are far 
> from being useless. They introduce no intrinsical slowdown due to 
> increased bandwidth consumation, nor potential security problems.

You can't be sure: errors in the handling of threads can cause a buffer 
overflow, same for spelling checking :-D

> They 
> have no downsides I can possibly think of

Some people never use them, and hence they use memory and add risks.

> and have many advantages. They 
> are useful. HTML on Usenet is not.

Of course can HTML be useful on Usenet. The problem is that it will be much 
more often abused instead of used.

John                   Small Perl scripts:
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