Hi Cameron,

I'm replying via email because the Post Reply button is missing from
the forum website.

In answer to your comments, I am in the correct folder. But the "ls"
command did not return any files. Did I enter the command incorrectly?
Or are the files not recognized? Here is what I typed into terminal:

"Last login: Fri Jun  8 01:40:07 on ttys001

192:~ TamaraB$ cd Desktop/mymodules

192:mymodules TamaraB$ pwd


192:mymodules TamaraB$ ls


192:mymodules TamaraB$"


On Thu, Jun 7, 2018 at 10:27 PM Cameron Simpson <c...@cskk.id.au> wrote:
> Hi,
> Replies inline below, which is the style we prefer on this list. (And to 
> reply,
> please reply to the specific message, not your original post. This will let 
> you
> pick up that branch of the conversation directly and not confuse your 
> readers.)
> On 07Jun2018 08:39, T Berger <brg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >On Wednesday, June 6, 2018 at 12:19:35 PM UTC-4, T Berger wrote:
> >> I’m learning Python on my own and have been stuck for two days trying to 
> >> get modules I created into site-packages. As a trial step, we were asked 
> >> to change directly into the folder containing our modules. I typed “cd 
> >> mymodules” per instructions, but got this error message: “-bash: cd: 
> >> mymodules: No such file or directory.” I saved mymodules to my documents. 
> >> What is going wrong here?
> >>
> >> When I tried to create a distribution file, I typed “192:~ TamaraB$ 
> >> mymodules$ python3 setup.py sdist.” I got this error message: “-bash: 
> >> mymodules$: command not found.” What should I do?
> [...snip...]
> > “We'll need some more information about the computer you are using: what OS
> > are you using (Mac, Linux, Windows, something else), what shell are you
> > using, perhaps a file listing of your home directory. “
> >
> >I’m using Terminal in Mac Sierra (10.12.6).
> Cool.
> >“(I'm not sure what the 192 part means. Does that increase each time you 
> >type a command?) “
> >
> >I'm new to Terminal, but that 192 looked weird to me too. It doesn’t 
> >increase, just stays at 192. There is also a thin gray left bracket in front 
> >of the “192” which didn’t copy into my email. Is there some way to restore 
> >the default prompt in Terminal (and what is the default prompt)?
> On a Mac, it tends to be like this: "{hostname}:~ {username}$ " where
> {hostname} is your Mac's name and {username} is your login name; that is 
> called
> the "shell prompt", and "the shell" is the command line interpreter running 
> the
> commands you type. On a Mac, this is usually bash, a UNIX Bourne shell.
> There is a secondary prompt like this "> ". That indicates that you're typing 
> a
> compond command, or at least that the shell believes you're typing a compond
> command, which is just a command which extends to more than one line. The
> common way to confuse the shell about this is to forget to close a quote - the
> shell expects that string to continue until it sees a closing quote.
> You can leave the secondary prompt by typing Control-C (often denoted "^C").
> That will cancel the incomplete command and get you back to a clean empty
> primary prompt.
> Note that if you start some interactive command, such as the interactive 
> Python
> interpreter, you will then be dealing with _its_ prompts until you leave that
> command.
> >Back to my problem. Your email helped me get into the mymodules folder, but 
> >I’m still stuck at the next step of the exercise, which is to get the module 
> >I created into site-packages. mymodules contains three files: the module we 
> >created, a setup file (setup.py), and a readme file. The line of text we 
> >were instructed to type into our terminal was: “python3 setup.py sdist.” In 
> >response, I got this error message: 
> >“/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/Resources/Python.app/Contents/MacOS/Python:
> > can't open file 'setup.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory”.
> >
> >Why is this not working for me?
> I would expect that your shell is not actually in the "mymodules" directory
> when you typed "python3 setup.py sdist". Usually your shell prompt includes 
> the
> current working directory (the "~" in my example above, which is your home
> directory), which is a useful contextual clue.
> You can also find out your current working directory by running the "pwd"
> command (the "print working directory" command).
> The "ls" (list) command without arguments will list what is in the current
> directory, so you can now check (a) whether you're where you thought you were,
> and (b) what is in the current directory (in case it doesn't contain what you
> expected).
> The "ls -la" command will provide a longer and more detailed listing too.
> Let us know what you find out.
> Cheers,
> Cameron Simpson <c...@cskk.id.au>
> --
> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

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