On 08Jun2018 01:52, Tamara Berger <brg...@gmail.com> wrote:
In answer to your comments, I am in the correct folder. But the "ls"
command did not return any files. Did I enter the command incorrectly?
Or are the files not recognized? Here is what I typed into terminal:

"Last login: Fri Jun  8 01:40:07 on ttys001
192:~ TamaraB$ cd Desktop/mymodules
192:mymodules TamaraB$ pwd
192:mymodules TamaraB$ ls
192:mymodules TamaraB$"

It looks like you have a "mymodules" folder _inside_ your "Desktop/mymodules" folder. Form the /Users/TamaraB/Desktop/mymodules folder, type these commands.

 ls -la
 ls -la mymodules

(Feel free to omit any other stuff in your Desktop folder listing for privacy reasons.)


 cd ~/Desktop/mymodules
 ls -laR

The "R" option will create a recursive listing. Or you could just open the folder in the Finder and look around:

 open ~/Desktop/mymodules

I'm thinking you've just made an additional "mymodules" inside your main "mymodules" by accident.

Cameron Simpson <c...@cskk.id.au>

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