Piet van Oostrum wrote:
 >>>>>>Paul Rubin <http://[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (PR) wrote:
 >>PR> Really, the essence of programming is to find ways of organizing the
 >>PR> program to stay reliable and maintainable in the face of that
 >>PR> combinatorial explosion.  That means facing the problem and finding
 >>PR> solutions, not running away.  The principle is no different for
 >>PR> threads than it is for if statements.
 > The principle is (more or less) similar, but for parallel programs it 
is an
 > order of magnitude more complicated. Compare the correctness proofs of
 > parallel programs with those of sequential programs.

That's an artifact of what the research community is trying to
accomplish with the proof. Proving non-trivial programs correct
is currently beyond the state of the art.


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