On 2018-06-17 15:47, Ganesh Pal wrote:
 >>> {k: o_num[k] for k in wanted & o_num.keys() if o_num[k] is not None}

Thanks peter this looks better ,  except  that I will need to use the
logial 'and' operator or else I will get a  TypeError

{k: o_num[k] for k in wanted & o_num.keys() if o_num[k] is not None}

TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for &: 'set' and 'list'

Peter said that you need to use viewkeys() instead of keys() in Python 2:

>>> {k: o_num[k] for k in wanted & o_num.viewkeys() if o_num[k] is not None}

Using 'and' instead won't give the correct result.

Example :

print {k: o_num[k] for k in wanted and o_num.keys() if o_num[k] is not
    {'nine': 9, 'five': 5, 'three': 3, 'one': 1}

On Sat, Jun 16, 2018 at 11:12 PM, Peter Otten <__pete...@web.de> wrote:

Ganesh Pal wrote:

> *How do I check  few specific/selected  keys in a dictionary and extract
> their values if they are not empty*

You mean not None.

> o_num  = {'one': 1,
>           'three': 3,
>           'bar': None,
>           'five' : 5,
>           'rum' : None,
>           'seven' : None,
>           'brandy': None,
>           'nine' : 9,
>           'gin': None}

> args_list = ["one","three","seven","nine"]

> *Output:*
> *1 3 9*

>>> wanted = {"one", "three", "seven", "nine"}
>>> {k: o_num[k] for k in wanted & o_num.keys() if o_num[k] is not None}
{'one': 1, 'nine': 9, 'three': 3}

> I am a Python 2.7 user and on Linux box

You have to replace keys() with viewkeys() in Python 2.


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