Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:

> On Sun, 17 Jun 2018 17:37:25 +0100, MRAB <>
> declaimed the following:
>>On 2018-06-17 15:47, Ganesh Pal wrote:
>>>>  >>> {k: o_num[k] for k in wanted & o_num.keys() if o_num[k] is not
>>>>  >>> {None}
>>> Thanks peter this looks better ,  except  that I will need to use the
>>> logial 'and' operator or else I will get a  TypeError
>>>>>> {k: o_num[k] for k in wanted & o_num.keys() if o_num[k] is not None}
>>> TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for &: 'set' and 'list'
>>Peter said that you need to use viewkeys() instead of keys() in Python 2:
>> >>> {k: o_num[k] for k in wanted & o_num.viewkeys() if o_num[k] is not
> What's wrong with the simple
>>>> o_num = {  "one" : 1,
> ...           "three" : 3,
> ...           "bar" : None,
> ...           "five" : 5,
> ...           "rum" : None,
> ...           "seven" : None,
> ...           "brandy" : None,
> ...           "nine" : 9,
> ...           "gin" : None    }
>>>> args_list = [ "one", "three", "seven", "nine" ]
>>>> { k : o_num[k] for k in args_list if o_num.get(k, None) is not None }
> {'nine': 9, 'three': 3, 'one': 1}

It's hidden here because of the removal of None values, but in the generic 
case when you say

"give me all x in a that are also in b"

instead of

"give me the intersection of a and b"

you are overspecifying the problem.


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