Chris Angelico <>:
> On Mon, Jun 18, 2018 at 6:23 AM, Marko Rauhamaa <> wrote:
>> I'm also saddened by the type hinting initiative. When you try to be
>> best for everybody, you end up being best for nobody. The niche Python
>> has successfully occupied is huge. Why risk it all by trying to take the
>> whole cake?
> Did you complain when function annotations were introduced back in 2006?

No. I have yet to see them in the wild. I hope never to see them.

Do you mean you must like them by now?

> That's TWELVE YEARS ago. Over in the Node.js world, that's ... uhh,
> actually that's longer ago than Node.js has even been around. Another
> trendy language is Go... oh wait, that wasn't around in 2006 either.

What are you talking about?


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