> Merci Pierre,
> Yes I agree and plan to move more to C/C++ and releasing the GIL when
> entering C/C++.
> I also need to understand my original question re GIL and rescheduling.
> I fear that lock/unlock too often is also causing delays due to context
> switching.

Well, concerning GIL and rescheduling, releasing a lock is very likely
to induce rescheduling and context switch, but it won't if the system
considers it worthless. But this is true that lock/unlock has a cost and
so, doing it too much will slow down your app.

> BTW do you have any hints/comments on SWIG/BOOST etc to glue PY and
> C/C++ ?

Well, for C I would recommand SWIG. For C++, I personnaly use
Boost.Python. However, you must know that SWIG did not support C++ well
when I had to choose between the two, so there was no question for me.
Then, somehow it depends on how you feel with the tools: SWIG depends on
a specific language and has its own tools while Boost is entirely
written in C++ and uses heavily templates. For performances, Boost
generate better code that SWIG, mainly because SWIG relies on Python
code that encapsulate the actual C functions while Boost does everything
in C++. Also, at least with G++, compiling Boost extension is very time-
and memory-consuming due to its heavy use of templates. As I don't use
SWIG, I don't know about the community, but at least for Boost.Python it
is quite active and questions on the mailing list are answered quickly
enough. Well, this is very quick but if you need more detailed
information, I recommend you to visit both websites.

> Alan


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