On 07/14/18 02:09, Christian Gollwitzer wrote:
Am 14.07.18 um 10:00 schrieb Marko Rauhamaa:
Steven D'Aprano <steve+comp.lang.pyt...@pearwood.info>:
Apparently Marko didn't notice the irony of suggesting that we display
excessive commitment to GvR

The object of the "cult" isn't GvR, it's Python itself.

I agree with this observation and it feels quite strange to me. I regularly use three languages (C++, Python and Tcl), all three are under active development, and IMHO all of them have flaws, there are is always something which is elegantly solved in one system but needs more work in another.

But only in the Python community I have seen a strange "worship" of the language of choice, the believe it is 100% perfect. If something isn't available, then "Python doesn't need it. It's missing for a reason! You're holding ot wrong!" This opinion is not so prevalent in other communities. Of course, C++ programmers also think that C++ is the best language, but they regularly admit that Python does have an edge in clear syntax sometimes.

Typical conversation on this list / newsgroup:

Q: "I could need a ?: operator just like in C. Is there something like that in Python?"

A1: "No. You don't want it. It makes the code confusing. You said, you have a problem, you tried ?: - now you have two problems."

A2: "Are you crazy? You want to make Python like Java?"

A3: "Guido left it out for a reason. Guido's time machine has seen that in 5 years you'll wonder what the hell ?: means"

A4: "?: is unpythonic, because there is already One Obvious Way To Do It"

--------- in the meantime, PEP 308 passes ------------
A1: "Oh, nice, Python has invented a new feature! We're the leading edge in language development!"

A2: "All hail to Guido. In 5 years, you'll ned that, and then His Time-Machine has struck again!"

Q: "But isn't this the same as ?: in Java or C?"

A3: "Never. There is a HUGE difference! ?: is sooo confusing. But a if c else b, look, the order is reversed. This is much more natural! And not strange punctuation, English words. Python is executable pseudocode!"


+1000 !!



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