On 07/14/2018 04:09 AM, Christian Gollwitzer wrote:
> I agree with this observation and it feels quite strange to me. I regularly 
> use three languages (C++, Python and Tcl), all three are under active 
> development, and IMHO all of them have flaws, there are is always something 
> which is elegantly solved in one system but needs more work in another.

Dusting off some of my musings written years ago but at least tangentially
related to all this:


I am not particularly enamored of the feeping creaturism that that infested
Python 3, but then again, I'm not required by law to use said feeping 

I wish GvR well.  He's served this community magnificently and deserves far
better than he got, especially lately. := pedantry aside (and I am NOT a fan),
great things come from individual minds, not committees and I think it is
simply inarguable that GvR built a Very Great Thing.  So ... thanks ... and
go enjoy your life, sir, you've more than earned it.

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