I'd like to add one more thing to your list of what companies will have to 

6) The ability to hire and retain employees who will be happy to program in an 
obsolete version of Python.  A version about which new books will probably not 
be written.  A version which new packages will not support.  A version which 
most other companies will no longer be using, so programming only in Python 2 
will place the employee at a disadvantage compared to others who have gained 
experience with Python 3 if they ever have to change employers.

--- Joseph S.

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Angelico <ros...@gmail.com> 
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2019 2:15 PM
To: Python <python-list@python.org>
Subject: Re: Pythonic Y2K

On Thu, Jan 17, 2019 at 6:04 AM Avi Gross <avigr...@verizon.net> wrote:
> I see messages like the following where someone is still asking how to 
> do something in some version of python 2.X.
> I recall the days before the year 2000 with the Y2K scare when people 
> worried that legacy software might stop working or do horrible things 
> once the clock turned. It may even have been scary enough for some 
> companies to rewrite key applications and even switch from languages like 
> What is happening in the python community, and especially in places 
> where broken software may be a serious problem?
> I assume versions of python 2.X will continue to be available for some 
> time but without any further support and without features being back-ported.

Commercial support for Python 2 will probably continue for a while, in the same 
way that support for versions older than 2.7 is still available to Red Hat 
customers today (if I'm not mistaken). Otherwise, well, the software will 
continue without updates or security patches until it breaks. Companies will 
have to weigh up five costs against each other:

1) The cost of the status quo: the risk of critical failures or external 
attacks against unsupported and unpatched software

2) The cost of migrating to Python 3

3) The cost of migrating to a completely different language

4) The cost of maintaining their own local fork of Python 2

5) The cost of using a supported commercial platform such as RHEL.

For most small to medium projects, it's probably going to come down to
#1 or #2, where #1 has the laziness bonus. For many larger companies,
#1 is an unpayable cost. Everyone has to make that choice, and remember that 
"cost" doesn't just mean money (for instance, the cost of moving to Linux might 
be quite considerable for a Windows shop, and even within a Linux ecosystem, 
switching to Red Hat may have consequences to other programs you might need).



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