On 17/01/19 6:53 PM, Chris Angelico wrote:
On Thu, Jan 17, 2019 at 3:55 PM Avi Gross <avigr...@verizon.net> wrote:
The forthcoming UNIX 2038 problem will, paradoxically happen on January 19.

Paradoxically? What do you mean by that?

First we had to duck the Y2K problem.
By moving everything to 64-bits, we duck the Unix Millennium problem.

There you go: two ducks - a pair-o-ducks!

I assume the paradox involves noting that the end of the (32-bit) Unix epoch, does not coincide with the end of a (Gregorian) calendar year.

Actually, aren't there three date-time problems to be ducked? Wasn't Python's move to having wider timestamps (+= fractions of seconds) in part connected with the need to modify NTP - which hits the wall a few years before 2038...

Regards =dn

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