On 1/14/19 2:08 PM, Mike Driscoll wrote:

I just thought I would let you all know that I am working on my 2nd wxPython book, 
"Creating GUI Applications with wxPython". This one will be about actually 
creating small runnable applications instead of just recipes like my Cookbook did. I hope 
to have 8-10 working applications included with the book.

You can read more about it here if you are interested: 

Feel free to ask me questions about it too.



I have two Python 3 (3.6) apps that will get the full GUI treatment very soon. I'm in the process of choosing a GUI, and that may be where you/your book can help. Seems this is not a trivial effort (wishing that Python was like VB6 from the 90's).

Anyway, here is what I am looking for - hopefully it helps guide you.

* GUI relatively easy to understand and implement. easyGUI is truly easy in all areas, but fails some of my other requirements. The QT/PyQT/PySide2 situation is a mess - which one to use, why, any implementation differences, etc.

* Performance is very good.  Users hate to wait - for anything!

* Lots of widgets! I'll need a spreadsheet-like widget, a form widget to enter information on parts, activities, etc., splash screen that the code can talk to while the app is loading, and the big one - a cross-platform printer widget that works with Windows and Mac/Unix/CUPS. A network widget may also be good.

* A GUI designer may be good. Currently there is Glade for GTK, and QT-Designer for QT.

* GUI must support all desktops with a native look and feel. Kivy fails this one. Will have mobile apps later in the year, so it would be nice if one GUI fits all, but am ok with 2 gui's if needed.

* A great book taking me from beginner to expert.



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