On Thu, Apr 18, 2019 at 6:21 AM DL Neil <pythonl...@danceswithmice.info> wrote:
> (I know it's not Friday [exp], and after personal apologies[apo])
> Do you bother with exception handling for import statements?
> Most of the code I read, both in books and during code review, eschews
> any form of ImportError check. Even data science people who 'clean'
> every data field towards inclusion/exclusion in the analysis, take for
> granted that numpy, scipy, pandas, et al, will be available to their code.
> Does such a check seem un-pythonic? [sto] (maybe 'forgiveness cf
> permission'?)
> Can we assume that if such a catastrophic error occurs, it is quite
> acceptable for the code to fall-over in a tumbling-fumble?

I try/except around import statements only if it's possible for the
program to recover from the exception. For instance, something that
runs on Py2 and Py3 might attempt to import from a Py3 name (urllib
comes to mind), and if it fails, redo the import from the Py2 name; or
something might try to import an optional subroutine, and if it isn't
present, set something to None, or to a null function.

For something that is absolutely required for the program to continue,
what would be in your exception handler? Print a message to stderr and
exit? That's exactly what not-catching-the-exception is for. I do
sometimes annotate the imports, though:

from dataclasses import dataclass # ImportError? Upgrade to Python 3.7
or pip install dataclasses

If that bombs out, the entire line will get printed, comment and all,
and there isn't really anything else that I would want to do with the

So I guess the best way to answer your question is with another
question: If such a catastrophic error occurs, what ELSE would your
code do than fall over? If there's an answer to that question, then
sure, catch the ImportError. Otherwise don't.


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