On 18/04/19 8:44 AM, Grant Edwards wrote:
On 2019-04-17, DL Neil <pythonl...@danceswithmice.info> wrote:

Do you bother with exception handling for import statements?

Sometimes.  There are two cases when I do that:

  1. When the module has different names under Python2 and Python3 and
     the program tries first one, then the other.

Excellent example - and a lot easier than interrogating os.environ (for example), ie permission cf forgiveness.

  2. When the program can still do something useful (if perhaps
     feature-limited) without the imported module by substituting
     something else in its place.

Any (publishable) examples?

Most of the code I read, both in books and during code review,
eschews any form of ImportError check. Even data science people who
'clean' every data field towards inclusion/exclusion in the
analysis, take for granted that numpy, scipy, pandas, et al, will be
available to their code.

You've omitted the second thing assumed by the authors: without numpy,
scipy, pandas, et alia the program can do nothing useful.

but... what of the third inherent assumption: that the user(s) will be able to handle the situation (discussed in another msg 'here')?

Does such a check seem un-pythonic? [sto] (maybe 'forgiveness cf

It's probably rather unpythonic if you're not going to anything useful
in the exception handler.


Can we assume that if such a catastrophic error occurs, it is quite
acceptable for the code to fall-over in a tumbling-fumble?

It's certainly OK with me.  I'm not sure why you refer to raising an
exception as "fall-over in a tumbling fumble".  Raising an exception
is the normal way to indicate failure in Python.

Apologies! Evidently a cultural reference that did not export well.

To understand "tumbling fumble" perhaps think of dropping something, attempting to catch it with one hand, then having to make a second try with the other, and probably failing to intercede before the floor... I could have used other terms, but likely to be considered 'politically-INcorrect'.

No, "tumbling fumble" describes having no exception handling and merely allowing the program to "crash".

Thus the basic question: why do we (apparently) so seldom consider the possibility of an ImportError?

Does it make a difference if operating in/out of a dev-ops

I have no idea what "a dev-ops environment means", and I plan on
keeping it that way. :)

I see that you value your sanity. On the other hand you don't seem so worried about your physical safety - please note that I'll be hiding behind you, should the (ever-so nice) dev-ops lady on one of my projects happen to read this...

Regards =dn

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