On 20/11/19 9:20 AM, Luciano Ramalho wrote:
I apologize to all but the intended recipient for this. I’d have given him
feedback in private if I knew his email.

I will take leave from the list now. Keep up the good work, friendly

Please reconsider. Should your relationship with the 'good folks' be governed by someone/anyone else?

There is no need to tell you that are many innocent reasons why we misunderstand each other's motives or intent, particularly in a multi-cultural context; just as there are folk who attempt to 'take advantage'. Grossly generalised examples - each academic year a new crop of PyStudents seems to crop-up, thinking we'll *do* their 'homework' for them...
- some parts of British humor is impenetrable to those born south of Dover
- Dutch/German positivity can be interpreted as brusque or even arrogant, in some parts of the world - Kiwi/Aussie humor as often involves insult (which is not meant to be taken seriously) as it does self-deprecation
- Self-deprecation is not 'the American way'...
- Monty Python humor is its own (lack of) explanation!

That said, I am asking (elsewhere, but please feel free...'here') if the standards and conventions of the Python Foundation apply to this/these list(s)? Such requires a balance between an individual's right to privacy, and the open-ness with which we conduct Python-business, ie without insult, derision, victimisation, etc, etc...
Regards =dn

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