Given your replies, 'now' might be a good time to take a look at
Pytest, and see how you could use it to help build better code - by
building tested units/functions which are assembled into ever-larger
tested-units... (there is a range of choice/other testing aids if
Pytest doesn't take your fancy)

I have to admit I chose unittest. Simply because it is in the standard
lbrary. As so many people seem to prefer pytest I should take a look at

Not at all! This is a personal bias - I happen to have been using Pytest.

Your objective is learning to program in Python. 'Chopping and changing' between ancillary tools would be a distraction and time-sink. If you have already started learning unittest, keep going.

We all have to start 'somewhere'! At the learning stage, any one of these tools will help you with testing, and testing should improve your overall programming skills. Once your expertise, in both Python and the testing tool, matures; you will be better placed to survey the opportunities and to choose the best alternative for you and your applications...
Regards =dn

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