Am 09.05.20 um 04:37 schrieb Bev In TX:

On May 8, 2020, at 8:29 PM, Terry Reedy <> wrote:

On macOS The default Save/Save as dialogs are short, only displaying a few 
major folders along with Favorites and Recents.  That dialog doesn’t display 
folder contents.  However, you can get an expanded dialog by clicking on the 
little arrow to the right of the Where box.  Using that dialog allows one to 
select any folder and displays folder contents.

I tried using both Save and Save as, and was unable to duplicate the problem 
with either the short or the long dialog.

Python 3.8.2
macOS Catalina 10.15.4

Can it be a problem with the underlying Tk version? If so, it would be helpful to isolate the Tk call and convert it to an equivalent Tcl script for the core developers to test.

Fairly recently, Tk has got many bugfixes because of changes in OSX. Here is the file that implements the file dialogs:

and the history:

As you can see, it has been touched two days ago (!) to restore some window behaviour, which was switched of because of Catalina last August (this commit)


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