Dear all,

\On 26/05/2020 15:56, BlindAnagram wrote:
I came across an issue that I am wondering whether I should report as an
issue.  If I have a directory, say:


and I use os.path.join() as follows:

   join(base, '..\\..\\', 'build', '')

I obtain as expected from the documentation:


But if I try to make the directory myself (as I tried first):

   join(base, '..\\..\\', 'build', '\\')

I obtain:


The documentation says that an absolute path in the parameter list for
join will discard all previous parameters but '\\' is not an absoute path!

Moreover, if I use

   join(base, '..\\..\\', 'build', os.sep)

I get the same result.

This seems to me to be a bug that I should report but to avoid wasting
developer time I wanted to hear what others feel about this.

Maybe I am being obtuse (and apologies for not quoting any of the subsequent voluminous messages in this thread), but I think perhaps there is confusion at a somewhat more basic level.

It seems that there is never (rarely?) any reason to explicitly pass a string which already contains an explicit separator to `os.path.join` -- the whole point of the function is to be os-agnostic.

If you already know what the separator is, and you also don't like the behaviour of restarting the path if any of the items are (by the function's definition) absolute, then is there any reason to prefer `os.path.join` to `string.join`?



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