Vincent Vande Vyvre <> wrote:
> Le 18/08/20 à 19:22, Chris Green a écrit :
> > I have a fairly simple Python program that I wrote a while ago in
> > Python 2 that transfers images from my camera to a date ordered
> > directory hierarchy on my computer.
> >
> > I am trying to get it to work on Python 3 as I have just upgraded to
> > Ubuntu 20.04 and on that Python 3 is now the default version of Python.
> >
> > I seem to be descending into a horrible morass of dependencies (or
> > failed dependencies) when I try to install pyexiv2 (pr py3exiv2) using
> > pip3.
> >
> > Can anyone point me at anywhere that might have some documentation
> > that will help? 
> >
> > The first problem (it might be the whole problem, I'm not sure) is
> > which 'pyexiv2' I should be installing, there seem to be several
> > apparently competing versions and it's not at all clear which is the
> > most likely to work.  On pypi there's py3exiv2 and pyexiv2 both of
> > which claim to be for Python 3.  On the
> > page it states: "py3exiv2 is the Python 3 version of pyexiv2 written
> > for Python 2, ...", really! no wonder I'm confused.
> >
> > Essentially I need the python-pyexiv2 package for Ubuntu 20.04 and
> > it's only available up to 19.10.
> >
> Hi,
> Two solutions:
> 1. Install exiv2-dev and py3exiv2 with pip
>     $ sudo apt-get install libexiv2-dev
>     $ sudo pip3 install py3exiv2
That's what I had tried but it required further libraries beyond
libexiv2-dev and I gave up.

> 2. Install my ppa
>     $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:vincent-vandevyvre/vvv
>     $ sudo apt-get update
>     $ sudo apt-get install python3-exiv2
Ah!  Thank you Vincent.  I had your PPA installed before (a couple of
versions ago) but of course it gets disabled when you upgrade to a new
version of Ubuntu.

> Don't change your old code for pyexiv2, the names of the modules are
> unchanged, your old code should work as it.
> Off course old strings are now unicode.
> Vincent (AKA VinsS)

Chris Green

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