r...@zedat.fu-berlin.de (Stefan Ram) writes:

>   This C program use a local /static/ variable.
>   main.c
> #include <stdio.h>
> int f( void )
> { static int i = 0;
>   return i++; }
> int main( void )
> { printf( "%d\n", f() );
>   printf( "%d\n", f() );
>   printf( "%d\n", f() ); }
>   transcript
> 0
> 1
> 2
>   When asked how to do this in Python, sometimes people
>   suggest to use a module variable for this, or to add "i"
>   to "f" as an attribute, or maybe even to use some kind of
>   closure. Another (more pythonic?) way to do this, would be:
>   main.py
> def f_():
>     i = 0
>     while True:
>         yield i
>         i += 1
> f = f_()
> print( next( f ))
> print( next( f ))
> print( next( f ))
>   transcript
> 0
> 1
> 2

  def f(i = [0]):
      i[0] += 1
      return i[0]

maybe?  More than a bit yucky, though.


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