On 2020-11-02, dn <pythonl...@danceswithmice.info> wrote:
> If you have a working Py2 version, once print-statements were changed 
> into functions, what errors were thrown-up?
That was almost 15 if no more years ago when I was learning then had a
long break beacause Life :-) Got married, working as Chef, now have some
more time, working part time so a got back to old hobby and learning
again, however I see now with age everything is going slower lol

> Multiple loops written in Python are likely to be slower than same in 
> compiled code - which was probably part of the motivation for @Terry's 
> response. Plus, "re-use" - why write something ourselves if someone else 
> has already done the work?

For educating purposes?
> How about a change of tactics?
> - str.find() or .index() will locate a character within the string 
> (starting from character[0]/the left-hand side)
> - if this fails, tears will fall...
> - repeat, from the right
> - if both results are the same character/position, it must be unique 
> within the string
> - repeat for each character in "Letters"
> This process assumes that built-in functions are faster than exhaustive 
> scans written in Python, and thus (presumably) also that the number of 
> "Letters" is small in comparison with the lengths of words.
ha, everything seems easy only if you know that.
Sorry mate, for you it's obvious for me: oh, OK.
> Once the algorithms are proven, a speed comparison might be an 
> interesting exercise...
> For extra credit: once you've solved both, and compared the alternatives 
> on your machine; post the code (and test data), and ask various 
> colleagues 'here' to repeat the speed/performance comparisons on other 
> machines.
> Will/should the results be identical?

I'll look into that tomorrow, your sugestions guys and hopefully I've
achieve these goals.

Thanks again


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