On 03/11/2020 14:06, Bischoop wrote:
> On 2020-11-03, dn <pythonl...@danceswithmice.info> wrote:
>> The (full) specs are not clear. There's certainly room for 
>> misunderstanding. I'd be happier if I could 'see' a full spec or 
>> recognise a practical application, because then we'd be better able to 
>> discuss facts. Meantime, we try to help with what we have been given...
>> The OP's sample code only realises "conforming word[s]" (good term 
>> BTW!). The snippet does not report any "count". Similarly, there's no 
>> facts to avoid ("I assume") an assumption about whether "Letters" may 
>> include duplication - indeed: whether duplication has meaning or should 
>> be regarded as user-error.
> Let me clarify what I want to do:
> We all know Scrabble game.
> there's a file with Dictionary containing word in each line, the idea is
> to input some letters for example mentioned earlier: att, the script
> supposed to find all words in which letters: 'a','t','t' occur and print
> these words. It supposed not to print word: 'auto' because there's only
> one 't' but words such as: 'toast', 'toasty', 'tolerant' are meeting the
> criteria becase we have in these words one 'a' and two 't' as user has
> input.
> I've checked collections counter but seems to complicated for me at this
> stage yet and I'm struggling with applying it.

>>> from collections import Counter
>>> letters = 'att'
>>> letter_counts = Counter(letters)
>>> word = 'tolerate'
>>> wd_counts = Counter(word)
>>> for char, cnt in letter_counts.items():
        print (cnt == wd_counts[char])

>>> word = 'auto'
>>> wd_counts = Counter(word)
>>> for char, cnt in letter_counts.items():
        print (cnt == wd_counts[char])


or, equivalent to the above loop, but breaking when the first False is
generated and returning the single Boolean that you're after,

>>> all(cnt == wd_counts[char] for char, cnt in letter_counts.items())

There's still a lot of scope for improvement, but possibly not by doing
simple things.


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