The only comment I have is that you didn't check the inputs at all.  Suppose 
the word I type in is "1234".   1234 will turn into an int, not a string.
You can't index through an int, it's one thing.  So the program will probably 
throw an error.

If the word at least starts with a letter, then it will be a string.   If I say 
I want to replace "?" that may not exist in the string, but that's OK. 

---- Joseph S. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Bischoop <> 
Sent: Monday, December 7, 2020 10:48 AM
Subject: Letter replacer - suggestions?

I worked on my wee script that replaces a letters: .
I would like to have some suggestions about the code from more experienced 
programmers, the code does work and do its job but perhaps could work in a 
better way.



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