On 18/12/2020 00.09, Cameron Simpson wrote:
On 17Dec2020 14:22, Michael F. Stemper <mstem...@gmail.com> wrote:
On 17/12/2020 03.57, Peter J. Holzer wrote:
On 2020-12-17 03:06:32 -0000, Bischoop wrote:

With newer vims that's rarely necessary though since they can
between input that was pasted and input that was typed.

Mine doesn't seem to (vim inside a MacOS iTerm).

I thought that I was going nuts when I encountered that. Any idea how to
defeat such a so-called 'feature"?

You mean having vim figure that out? I dunno. I came here from vi and
haven't fully embraced al the stuff vim has.

What I want is for vi to treat all input the same, whether it comes
directly from the keyboard, or from a copy/paste buffer.

It did everything fine from '92 when I started using it on AIX until a
year or two back when I briefly went to Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. Then, I could
paste a command into it, and it would insert it into the text, rather
than executing it. Or, I'd paste (in input mode; repeatedly verified)
some TeX and it would decide that it was really a command and execute

And I've just realized which group this is, so my complaint is
completely off-topic. Sorry.

Michael F. Stemper
Deuteronomy 24:17

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