It is likely that people would understand better if spoken to properly so I 
have been listening and hopefully gaining a picture that I can share, and be 
corrected helpfully when wrong.

My personal guess is that the project at hand is to do something very vaguely 
like what was done to the CURSES functionality ages ago in prehistory where 
lots of different terminals (and terminal emulators) used an assortment of 
control and escape sequences to make a text-based terminal do things like 
delete to the end of a line. The idea was to extract out all kinds of 
functionality used by pretty much all the terminals and save the info for say 
the hp2621 terminal either in a file with that name, or as entries in a file 
specifying many terminals or even in your environment. Then you made sure you 
had some variable like TERM set to hp2621 or whatever. If later you logged in 
on another kind of terminal, it would adjust dynamically for that without 
changing your program.

When a program like vi(m) or emacs ran, it used the curses library which would 
dynamically reconfigure based on the  terminal used and try to figure out the 
cheapest way  (in terms of characters and I/O usually) to send extra escape 
sequences to update your screen as changes were made. Sometimes it would clear 
the screen and re-enter the new stuff and sometimes delete three lines then put 
in the replacement and so on.

End of example. There are other examples like a format for documents that might 
take one of many ones like Word and make a common storage format that can 
easily be printed on any device that supports the features. The important 
aspect for me, is abstraction. 

My impression is the proposed project would abstract out the details of what 
any language can do and then examine one language after another (such as Ada or 
Python) and create some kind of description that can be stored, such as in a 
file. I have no idea what that might look like. I assume it would include what 
keywords there are or what variable names might look like or if some construct 
has an ending like "FI" or "endif" or "}"  and it is only once this is 
completed, that the next phase can be used.

It sounds like they would have what he considers a universal compiler that 
determines what language (perhaps even version) a file or group of files are 
using and then loads in info that metamorphizes it into an effective compiler 
for that language. It may not be that simple and I have no idea how it does 
that or how it outputs the result but it sounds like they have yet another 
language we might loosely compare to the byte stream used by JAVA and SCALA and 
some others that is half-digested and can be run by the JVM, or the Python 
version of something along those lines. 

In any case, I get the impression that this output will then look about the 
same no matter what language it came from. It will not require specific 
run-time environments but one overarching runtime that can run anything, again, 
using whatever abstraction or rules they come up with. And, in some cases, you 
may choose to go a step further and take this portable file format and compile 
it further down to an executable that runs on a specific machine and so on. I 
shudder at how well it will output error messages!

Assuming this is feasible and well done, it might open quite a few doors in 
terms of designing both mini-languages and variants on existing ones and brand 
new ones with new ideas. You would have to find a way to describe your language 
as described above and as long as it is consistent in some ways, no need to 
ever build your own interpreter or compiler. It might be a bit like designing a 
new terminal (or just emulator) that has features you want. Mind you, some of 
the new features might require changes in the "Neo" something/data  before it 
can be handled, but once added, any other language, within reason, might be 
able to add a similar feature and it should work.

I hope I got this at least partially right and it is more informative that 
repeatedly telling people things like "Nope" as if this is a quiz and not an 
informative  discussion.

-----Original Message-----
From: Python-list <> On 
Behalf Of Mr Flibble
Sent: Saturday, February 13, 2021 7:07 PM
Subject: Re: New Python implementation

On 13/02/2021 18:11, Alan Gauld wrote:
> On 13/02/2021 16:09, Mr Flibble wrote:
>> On 13/02/2021 00:01, Alan Gauld wrote:
>>> I'm assuming it's a new executable interpreter that can run any 
>>> valid python code. Is that correct?
>> It is a universal *compiler* so it compiles the python code to byte 
>> code and then optionally to machine code via a JIT which is then executed.
> OK, sorry for being dense, but just to be absolutely clear.
> You are going to create a Python compiler that will take existing 
> Python code and output a byte code file. (I assume the byte code is 
> not standard Python byte code?) And I assume the execution environment 
> for the bytecode is part of your neos system?

No neos is not a Python compiler: it is a *universal* compiler that can compile 
any programming language describable by a schema file and any language-specific 
semantic concepts.  The byte code will be proprietary, yes, and will be 
executed by neos and/or JITed.

> If that's correct, then how do you propose to deal with regular Python 
> byte code? And what would the Python disassembler produce - Python 
> assembler instructions or neos?

The neos Python implementation will not be dealing with Python byte code in any 
form whatsoever.




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