On Tue, 13 Apr 2021, Cameron Simpson wrote:

The problem is not that simple. Sometimes the package maintainer upgrades
the package for the same version number so there could be abc-1.0_1_SBo.tgz
and abc-1.0_2_SBo.tgz. The more involved route will be taken.

If that _1, _2 thing is like RedHat's -1, -2 suffixes for later releases
of the same source package version, you could just include that in the
version string. Looks like it counts up.


There are two variables: the application/tool version number and the build
number. They're both embedded within the filename string. I don't know in
advance the build numbers if it's that variable that's changed.

The list of installed files is (currently) less than 500 lines so a
character-by-character comparison when two rows begin with the same string
will not take long.

Thanks again,


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