Where's this discussion going?

Let's not get too caught up on definitions or the sizes of everyone's
respective .. newsgroups.

Which of the practically possible options are best for this list <->
newsgroup setup?



On Thu, May 6, 2021 at 6:47 PM Jon Ribbens via Python-list <
python-list@python.org> wrote:

> On 2021-05-06, Richard Damon <rich...@damon-family.org> wrote:
> > On 5/6/21 9:44 AM, Jon Ribbens via Python-list wrote:
> >> Sounds like nearly all moderated lists/forums then.
> >
> > Then perhaps you have never been on a real Moderated mailing list or
> > Forum.
> Ah, the "no true scotsforum" argument ;-)
> >>> While you could setup a robo-moderator to do a similar thing, Usenet
> >>> posters will not have 'pre-subscribed' before posting, and the From
> >>> address is no where near as relaible as invalid From addresses ARE
> >>> allowed, and since the message comes via a NNTP injection source relay,
> >>> non-verifiable. This make the job a LOT harder.
> >> It makes essentially no difference at all.
> > It sure does. Have you every actually TRIED to run a moderated Usenet
> > group, or know anyone who has, especially a somewhat busy group?
> As I already mentioned, I am a moderator of a Usenet group.
> > I am presuming that the current gateway isn't bringing all the messages
> > from Usenet into the mailing list. This is obvious as we don't see the
> > noise here. The Cabal that runs the 'Big-8' doesn't really care what
> > sort of filters are added at such a gateway.
> >
> > To setup a moderated group that defines similar filters in place for
> > messages getting to Usenet, particularly for a group intended to replace
> > a 'reasonably' working unmoderated group, is likely not going to be
> > viewed well.
> Have you every actually TRIED to run a moderated Usenet group, or know
> anyone who has, especially a somewhat busy group? Of *course* moderated
> groups put filters on what they receive, what do you think group
> moderation is *for* if not to block things?
> --
> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

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