Very well said! It's quite easy to use one's disadvantages as an excuse
for anti-social behavior. The Code of Conduct certainly isn't perfect,
but it has proven to be one of the most effective tools in keeping a
community healthy.

Usually, I find when people dump on CoCs, they're just angry at
accountability. I haven't known anyone yet who was a productive
member of Python and opposed to the CoC, at least in principle
and aim.

On 2021-05-08, Mirko <> wrote:
> I apologize for this OT post, especially because it's in reply to an
> at least partly troll post, but I just can't resist. Sorry.
> Am 08.05.2021 um 14:09 schrieb Talkie Toaster:
>> On 06/05/2021 18:56, Mark Lawrence wrote:
>>> Quite frankly I don't care how this discussion goes as the Python
>>> community discriminates against Asperger's suffers such as myself.
>> I believe I am also on the spectrum and feel the same way about the
>> fluffy cloud echo chamber for fluffy clouds that is the Python
>> "community".
> I'm also on the autism spectrum but I do *NOT* appreciate how you
> both instrumentalize our condition and use it as a self-righteous
> self-defense and how you politicized it.
> One of the core aspects of ASS is that we have difficulties
> understanding and following common and accepted social norms. But
> that is not a carte blanche for every kind of misbehavior. I don't
> call myself Aspie for no reason. I believe that we have a right to
> be what we are and to live according to our needs, situations,
> conditions and specialties. But that doesn't mean that the rest of
> the world has to unilaterally adapt to us. It's both sides! The
> world needs to understand that our behavior is a little different we
> need to understand that our behavior is sometimes off the limits. We
> need to learn -- both sides -- how to live together and we need to
> learn to *RESPECT* each other.
>> This "code of conduct" bullsh1t is getting out of hand.
> Unless the CoD includes ASS of course! Isn't it?! ;-)
> You complain about a "fluffy cloud echo chamber", but you are
> *calling* for the *same*. A fluffy cloud echo chamber where no ASS
> person is ever called for any possibly disrespecting words or
> behavior. A fluffy cloud echo chamber where everybody just accepts
> and respects you for what you are. Does the concept sound familiar?
> P.S.: *NOT* among the core symptoms of (the high-functioning levels)
> of ASS is the inability to learn. Mind that! (And that includes
> social norms.)

Jason C. McDonald (CodeMouse92)
Author | Speaker | Hacker | Time Lord

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