On Sun, Aug 22, 2021 at 4:55 AM Martin Di Paola
<martinp.dipa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> While it is correct to say that Basic Auth without HTTPS is absolutely
> insecure, using Basic Auth *and* HTTPS is not secure either.
> Well, the definition of "secure" depends of your threat model.

Yes. Which makes statements like "not secure" rather suspect :)

> HTTPS ensures encryption so the content, including the Basic Auth
> username and password, is secret for any external observer.
> But it is *not* secret for the receiver (the server): if it was
> compromised an adversary will have access to your password. It is much
> easier to print a captured password than cracking the hashes.
> Other authentication mechanisms exist, like OAuth, which are more
> "secure".

If your server is compromised in that way, *all is lost*. If an
attacker is actually running code on your server, listening to your
sockets, after everything's decrypted, then *shut that server down*. I
don't think there is ANY security model that can handle this - if
you're using OAuth, and the server is compromised, then your client ID
and client secret are just as visible to the attacker as passwords
would be.


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