On 03/09/2021 18:37, Chris Angelico wrote:

>>>> Without DST the schools opened in the dark so all the kids
>>>> had to travel to school in the dark and the number of
>>>> traffic accidents while crossing roads jumped.
> Are you saying that you had DST in winter, or that, when summer *and*
> DST came into effect, there was more light at dawn? Because a *lot* of
> people confuse summer and DST, and credit DST with the natural effects
> of the season change.

OK, I see the confusion. What I should point out was that the
experiment involved us staying on DST and not reverting to UTC
in the winter - that unified us with most of the EU apparently...

So although I'm saying DST it was really the non-reversion from
DST to UTC that caused problems. Arguably, if we just stayed on
UTC and didn't have DST at all there would be no issue - except
we'd be an hour out of sync with the EU. (Post Brexit that may
not be seen as a problem!! :-)

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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