On Tue, Sep 28, 2021 at 3:11 AM Skip Montanaro <skip.montan...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Those are all warnings. Are there any errors that follow them?
> Maybe I just missed the actual errors, but the compiler exit status was 1, so 
> there must have been. I'll give it another try.

Yeah, one of the annoying things of building large C packages is when
the maintainers don't care about warnings, and then legit errors get
lost in the spam.

>> The package doesn't seem to have had a release since 2018, but the
>> GitHub repository has had changes as recently as a month ago. You
>> might have better luck cloning the repo and building that.
> Thanks, good suggestion.
> FWIW, I'm trying to whittle down at least 12,000 images to a more manageable 
> number for the sister of a good friend who recently passed away. I've got a 
> straightforward dedupe program, but need something which can compare just the 
> data chunk of JPEGs, ignoring the metadata. This program apparently does 
> that. Is like to avoid reinventing that wheel.

Makes sense! Though if you're just doing a bitwise comparison of the
data chunks, it shouldn't be TOO hard to reinvent. JFIF is a
reasonably easy format to understand (although the mathematics of
image encoding and decoding are a bit less so).


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