On Sat, 10 Sep 2005 16:55:51 +0200, "Martin P. Hellwig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

>Stefano Masini wrote:
><cut reinventing wheel example>
>Although I'm not experienced enough to comment on python stuff itself I 
>do know that in general there are 2 reasons that  people reinvent the wheel:
>- They didn't know of the existence of the first wheel
>- They have different roads

 - They want the feeling that they are in the same league as the original 
inventor ;-)

>Those reasons can even be combined.
>The more difficult it is to create a new wheel the bigger the chance is 
>that you:
>- Search longer for fitting technologies
>- Adapt your road
 - Think more carefully about ego satisfaction cost/benefit vs getting the job 
done ;-)

Bengt Richter

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