On 2022-06-07, Dave <d...@looktowindward.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I’m new to Python and have a simple problem that I can’t seem to find the 
> answer.
> I want to test the first two characters of a string to check if the are 
> numeric (00 to 99) and if so remove the fist three chars from the string. 
> Example: if “05 Trinket” I want “Trinket”, but “Trinket” I still want 
> “Trinket”. I can’t for the life of work out how to do it in Python?

  s[3:] if s[0:2].isdigit() else s

> All the Best
> Dave

<StevenK> You're rewriting parts of Quake in *Python*?
<knghtbrd> MUAHAHAHA

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