Am 08.06.22 um 19:57 schrieb De ongekruisigde:
On 2022-06-08, 
<> wrote:
On 2022-06-09 at 04:15:46 +1000,
Chris Angelico <> wrote:

If you insist:

     >>> s = 'nm-iodine:x:996:57::/var/empty:/run/current-system/sw/bin/nologin'
     >>> print(s.split(':'))
     ['nm-iodine', 'x', '996', '57', '', '/var/empty', 

Hesitantly, because this is the Python mailing list, I claim (a) ':' is
simpler than r'([^:]*):([^:]*):(\d+):(\d+):([^:]*):([^:]*):(.*)$', and
(b) string.split covers pretty much the same edge cases as

Ah, but you don't catch the be numeric of fields (0-based) 2 and 3! But
agreed, it's not the best of examples.

Yes, that is a simplistic example, since the : can't even be quoted to appear in that format (which would require higher-order parsing than a simple split)

Fortunately, the OP has just given another requirement to recognise different patterns, and now it went into a direction where it will become quite ugly if you avoid REs or any other pattern matching tools.

This is also the main reason I suggested REs initially - often if you see other patterns in the data, you can easily adapt a RE solution, whereas you'll have to write the thing from ground up anew if you do it manually.



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