You can define a classmethod in SubClass that seems to do the job:

class SuperClass(object):
      def spam():  # "spam" and "eggs" are a Python tradition
          print('spam from SuperClass')

class SubClass(SuperClass):
    def eggs(self):

SubClass.eggs()  # Prints "spam from SuperClass"

If you try to make it a @staticmethod, though, you would need to provide a class argument to super(), but a staticmethod does not pass one in.

On 11/11/2022 11:21 AM, Ian Pilcher wrote:
Is it possible to access the name of a superclass static method, when
defining a subclass attribute, without specifically naming the super-

Contrived example:

   class SuperClass(object):
       def foo():

   class SubClass(SuperClass):
       bar =

Is there a way to do this without specifically naming 'SuperClass'?


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