On 12Nov2022 09:17, Cameron Simpson <c...@cskk.id.au> wrote:
On 11Nov2022 10:21, Ian Pilcher <arequip...@gmail.com> wrote:
class SubClass(SuperClass):
    bar = SuperClass.foo

Is there a way to do this without specifically naming 'SuperClass'?

I think not.

Then I saw your "Dealing with non-callable classmethod objects" post which mentions `__init_subclass__`. Which feels like I've read about that before, but had entirely slipped my mind.


    class SubClass(SuperClass):
        def __init__subclass__(cls):
            cls.bar = super().foo

would do the trick. Looks clean, but I haven't tried it yet.

Cameron Simpson <c...@cskk.id.au>

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