Alexander Richert - NOAA Affiliate via Python-list schreef op 28/12/2022 om 19:42:
  In a couple recent versions of Python (including 3.8 and 3.10), the
following code:
import re
print(re.sub(".*", "replacement", "pattern"))
yields the output "replacementreplacement".

This behavior does not occur in 3.6.

Which behavior is the desired one? Perhaps relatedly, I noticed that even
in 3.6, the code
yields ['pattern',''] which is not what I was expecting.
The documentation for re.sub() and re.findall() has these notes: "Changed in version 3.7: Empty matches for the pattern are replaced when adjacent to a previous non-empty match." and "Changed in version 3.7: Non-empty matches can now start just after a previous empty match." That's probably describes the behavior you're seeing. ".*" first matches "pattern", which is a non-empty match; then it matches the empty string at the end, which is an empty match but is replaced because it is adjacent to a non-empty match.

Seems somewhat counter-intuitive to me, but AFAICS it's the intended behavior.

"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger
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        -- Douglas Adams

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