“I'm no expert on locks, but you don't usually want to keep a lock while
some long-running computation goes on.  You want the computation to be
done by a separate thread, put its results somewhere, and then notify
the choreographing thread that the result is ready.”

Maybe. There are so many possible threaded application designs I’d hesitate to 
make a general statement.

The threading.Lock.acquire method has flags for both a non-blocking attempt and 
a timeout, so a valid design could include a long-running computation with a 
main thread or event loop polling the thread. Or the thread could signal a main 
loop some other way.

I’ve written some code that coordinated threads by having a process talk to 
itself using a socket.socketpair. The advantage is that you can bundle multiple 
items (sockets, file handles, a polling timeout) into a select.select call 
which waits without consuming resources (at least on Linux) until
something interesting happens.


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