On 2/25/2023 4:41 PM, Skip Montanaro wrote:
Thanks for the responses.
Peter wrote:
Which OS is this?
MacOS Ventura 13.1, M1 MacBook Pro (eight cores).
Thomas wrote:
> I'm no expert on locks, but you don't usually want to keep a lock while
> some long-running computation goes on. You want the computation to be
> done by a separate thread, put its results somewhere, and then notify
> the choreographing thread that the result is ready.
In this case I'm extracting the noun phrases from the body of an email
message(returned as a list). I have a collection of email messages
organized by month(typically 1000 to 3000 messages per month). I'm using
concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() with the default number of
workers (os.cpu_count() * 1.5, or 12 threads on my system)to process
each month, so 12 active threads at a time. Given that the process is
pretty much CPU bound, maybe reducing the number of workers to the CPU
count would make sense. Processing of each email message enters that
with block once.That's about as minimal as I can make it. I thought for
a bit about pushing the textblob stuff into a separate worker thread,
but it wasn't obvious how to set up queues to handle the communication
between the threads created by ThreadPoolExecutor()and the worker
thread. Maybe I'll think about it harder. (I have a related problem with
SQLite, since an open database can't be manipulated from multiple
threads. That makes much of the program's end-of-run processing
If the noun extractor is single-threaded (which I think you mentioned),
no amount of parallel access is going to help. The best you can do is
to queue up requests so that as soon as the noun extractor returns from
one call, it gets handed another blob. The CPU will be busy all the
time running the noun-extraction code.
If that's the case, you might just as well eliminate all the threads and
just do it sequentially in the most obvious and simple manner.
It would possibly be worth while to try this approach out and see what
happens to the CPU usage and overall computation time.
> This link may be helpful -
> https://anandology.com/blog/using-iterators-and-generators/
I don't think that's where my problem is. The lock protects the
generation of the noun phrases. My loop which does the yielding operates
outside of that lock's control. The version of the code is my latest, in
which I tossed out a bunch of phrase-processing code (effectively dead
end ideas for processing the phrases). Replacing the for loop with a
simple return seems not to have any effect. In any case, the caller
which uses the phrases does a fair amount of extra work with the
phrases, populating a SQLite database, so I don't think the amount of
time it takes to process a single email message is dominated by the
phrase generation.
Here's timeitoutput for the noun_phrases code:
% python -m timeit -s 'text = """`python -m timeit --help`""" ; from
textblob import TextBlob ; from textblob.np_extractors import
ConllExtractor ; ext = ConllExtractor() ; phrases = TextBlob(text,
np_extractor=ext).noun_phrases' 'phrases = TextBlob(text,
5000 loops, best of 5: 98.7 usec per loop
I process the output of timeit's help message which looks to be about
the same length as a typical email message, certainly the same order of
magnitude. Also, note that I call it once in the setup to eliminate the
initial training of the ConllExtractor instance. I don't know if ~100us
qualifies as long running or not.
I'll keep messing with it.