I haven't tested it either but it looks like it would work.  But for this case 
I prefer the relative simplicity of:

example = 'X - abc_degree + 1 + qq + abc_degree + 1'
find_string = re.escape('abc_degree + 1')
for match in re.finditer(find_string, example):
    print(match.start(), match.end())

4 18
26 40

I don't insist on terseness for its own sake, but it's cleaner this way.  


Feb 27, 2023, 16:55 by c...@cskk.id.au:

> On 28Feb2023 01:13, Jen Kris <jenk...@tutanota.com> wrote:
>> I went to the re module because the specified string may appear more than 
>> once in the string (in the code I'm writing).
> Sure, but writing a `finditer` for plain `str` is pretty easy (untested):
>  pos = 0
>  while True:
>  found = s.find(substring, pos)
>  if found < 0:
>  break
>  start = found
>  end = found + len(substring)
>  ... do whatever with start and end ...
>  pos = end
> Many people go straight to the `re` module whenever they're looking for 
> strings. It is often cryptic error prone overkill. Just something to keep in 
> mind.
> Cheers,
> Cameron Simpson <c...@cskk.id.au>
> -- 
> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list


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