On 27Mar2023 01:53, Jen Kris <jenk...@tutanota.com> wrote:
Thanks for your reply.  You are correct about the class definition lines – e.g. class EqualityConstraint(BinaryConstraint).  I didn’t post all of the code because this program is over 600 lines long.  It's DeltaBlue in the Python benchmark suite. 

Doubtless. But the "class ...:" line is the critical thing.

I’ve done some more work since this morning, and now I see what’s happening.  
But it gave rise to another question, which I’ll ask at the end. 

The call chain starts at

    EqualityConstraint(prev, v, Strength.REQUIRED) 

The class EqualityConstraint is a subclass of BinaryConstraint.  The entire 
class code is:

    class EqualityConstraint(BinaryConstraint):
        def execute(self):
            self.output().value = self.input().value

Ok, so it is effectively a BinaryConstraint with a single customised execute() method.

Because EqualityConstraint is a subclass of BinaryConstraint, the init method 
of BinaryConstraint is called first.

That is courtesy of the MRO: EqualityConstraint has no __init__, so the one found in BinaryConstraint is found and used.

During that initialization (I showed the call chain in my previous message), it calls choose_method.  When I inspect the code at "self.choose_method(mark):" in PyCharm, it shows:

    <bound method BinaryConstraint.choose_method of 
<Trans_01_DeltaBlue.EqualityConstraint object at 0x7f7ac09c6ee0>>

This says that it found found the choose_method method in the BinaryConstraint class definition, but that it is _bound_ to the EqualityConstraint instance you're using (self).

As EqualityConstraint is a subclass of BinaryConstraint it has bound the choose 
method from BinaryConstraint, apparently during the BinaryConstraint init 
process, and that’s the one it uses.  So that answers my original question. 

Incorrectly, I think.

__init__ does _nothing_ about other methods, if you mean "__init__" in the sentence above.

The class definition results in an EqualityConstraint.__mro__ list of classes, which is where _every_ method is looked for _at call time_.

But that brings up a new question.  I can create a class instance with x = BinaryConstraint(),

That makes an instance of EqualityConstraint.

but what happens when I have a line like "EqualityConstraint(prev, v, Strength.REQUIRED)"?

That makes an instance of EqualityConstraint.

Is it because the only method of EqualityConstraint is execute(self)?

I don't know what you're asking here.

Is execute a special function like a class __init__?

No. It's just a method.

In a sense, __init__ isn't very special either. It is just _called_ during new instance setup as the final step. By that time, self is a fully set up instance of... whatever and the __init__ function is just being called to do whatever initial attribute setup every instance of that class needs.

Python doesn't magicly call _all_ the __init__ methods of all the superclasses; it calls the first found. So for an EqualityConstraint it finds the one from BinaryConstraint because EqualityConstraint does not provide an overriding one of its own.

If EqualityConstraint _did_ provide one, it might typically be structured as:

    class EqualityConstraint(BinaryConstraint):
        def __init__(self, prev, v, strength, something_extra):
            super().__init__(prev, v, strength)
            self.extra = something_extra

- Python only calls _one_ __init__ method
- in the example above, it finds one in EqualityConstraint and uses it
- because Python calls _only_ that, in order to _also_ do the normal setup a BinaryConstraint needs, we pass the parameters used by BinaryConstraint to the new __init__ up the chain by calling super().__init__(BinaryConstraint-parameters-here)
- we do our own special something with the something_extra

That super().__init__() call is the _only_ thing which arranges that superclass inits get to run. This givens you full control to sompletely replace some superclass' init with a custom one. By calling super().__init__() we're saying we not replacing that stuff, we're running the old stuff and just doing something additional for our subclass.

Cameron Simpson <c...@cskk.id.au>

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