On 10Apr2023 13:10, Chris Green <c...@isbd.net> wrote:
ffprobe -v warning -i "input.mp4" -show_streams -of json
Popen(command, stderr=STDOUT, stdout=PIPE, encoding='utf8')

It's easy to find a version of ffmpeg/ffprobe for every platform.

Thank you, that worked straight away, ffprobe is installed on my
systems already and I can probably just grep for the tag I want as all
I'm looking for is the date of its creation which appears (twice) with
the tag "creation_time".

This is just to handle the occasional MP4 that a python program which
basically manages JPEGs can't handle.  It throws an exception so I can
just get that to run a simple bash script to get the creation date.

Yes, ffprobe is great, particularly the JSON output mode, very parsable.

If you want to get into the knitty gritty you could try my `cs.iso14496` package, which has a full MP4/MOV parser and a hook for getting the metadata.

Not as convenient as ffprobe, but if you care about the innards...

Cameron Simpson <c...@cskk.id.au>

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