> >> See PEP 594: https://peps.python.org/pep-0594/
> >
> > Thanks Cameron.
> > A scary list; I must have a dozen projects from the late 90s still
> > live that are using many of these! I'm glad I'm retired and won't
> > be the one who has to fix 'em :-)
> It has been pointed out to me that Perl still has a supported NNTP
> library. That stung. However, it's a CPAN module, which is more
> equivalent to PyPI than to the standard library, so I guess that it
> isn't as bad a loss of face as I feared.

I'm latching onto this thread just so I can bitch:

I always thought "Batteries included" was a great concept, a great
philosophy, a great slogan.  It encouraged me to look into python
because they made the tools available for you to do just about anything
they want.

Who ever came up with "Removing dead batteries" as a slogan, when some
of those batteries still work perfectly well, needs to rethink it. Go
ahead and remove code that no longer works, OK.  But removing
unpopular modules?  That undercuts the entire philosophy of the
platform, in my opinion.

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