On 5/22/23 12:10, Grant Edwards wrote:
On 2023-05-21, Retrograde <fun...@amongus.com> wrote:

Who ever came up with "Removing dead batteries" as a slogan, when
some of those batteries still work perfectly well, needs to rethink
it. Go ahead and remove code that no longer works, OK.  But removing
unpopular modules?  That undercuts the entire philosophy of the
platform, in my opinion.

And one of the metrics of "popularity" seems to be "activity"
(e.g. changes committed).  For things that have been around for 20+
years and have all the features they need and all of the bugs fixed
(and are now very stable) that lack of "activity" is interpreted as
"unpopular" regardless of how many people are using the module.


To add an additional bitching, I don't really ever see anyone discussing the dynamics and downsides of github (and things like it). Or how things like mozilla killing off usenet and mailing lists changes the entire dynamic of who manages and gets a say in how technology gets to move forward.

As someone who sees software independence and using free software as moral imperatives, signing up for github and agreeing to yet another terms of service is a no go for me, so moving to these platforms locks me out from contributing. (and a lot of python packages have code that also works with proprietary operating systems, so non-gnu/gnu hosting isn't a solution either)

And as someone who uses usenet to post to this list (I object to the google captcha on the mailing list sign up, and captchas in general), I imagine eventually a discussion will take place in a place like github that will do away with this avenue as well.

As far as modern commit dynamics,
Even if I did partake in the modern github style of code distribution, how many packages have issues where the "maintainers" inherited the package and really haven't dug deep enough in to the code to see how it really works. They have issues that sit around for YEARS, and when someone says "this sucks, this is broken and could be better", and the githubian response is typically a dismissive "Nothing is stopping you from making a PR". Then when you get down to dedicating a month to polishing a PR to extend or redesign something with the features you need, it just sits there, for YEARS, because again, the authority that went in to the package in the first place is often gone, and there is no one with that knowledge to give the PR the review it deserves. You end up with your fork, but it is lost, indistinguished from all the other forks of nothing.

There are now probably dozens of nntplib preservation implementations floating around, but how do you even consider which one to use? Without some energy behind it, to be certain in what you are doing, each person will practically have to download Python3.11 and extract it themselves, and then either add it in to the latest version themselves, or comparitively study it vs a collection of new implementations to see which one feels most like a correct updated standard. You also have to consider, is this a one off update? At 3.13 will I have to do it all over again? (at that point, doing it yourself really does become the only solution).

At the end of the day, what is there boils down to the influence of who is offering the resources.. And I would say most of that today comes from the microsofts and googles of the world that have no interest in preserving the independent ethos of the early web..

I personally am partial to autonomous website distribution, and mailmanv2 dev collaborations, so you can independently share modified versions of packages or tutorials you've written for your own purposes, and if they help others, great.. But I personally haven't found a place that accepts small cash payments and feels neutral enough to fit my needs and limited resources.


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