Am Fri, Nov 03, 2023 at 01:53:32PM -0000 schrieb Jon Ribbens via Python-list:

> >> Are they not available in your system's package manager?
> >
> > ... this clearly often answers to "no" for applications of
> > any complexity.
> >
> > Is there a suggested proper path to deal with that (Debian is
> > of interest to me here) ?
> Yes, as previously mentioned, use virtual environments.
> These days they don't even need to be "activated". For package 'foo'
> for example you could create /usr/local/lib/foo, under which you would
> create a virtual environment and install the 'foo' package inside it,
> and then you could do:
>     ln -s /usr/local/lib/foo/env/bin/foo /usr/local/bin/foo
> and then you could just type 'foo' to run it.

This all being nice and well, but:

How does one "fill" that venv with packages from pip during

        apt-get install python3-app-of-interest


Is the suggested way really to pip-install into this venv
during apt-get install ?

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