On Sun, 5 Nov 2023 19:22:49 -0600, D'Arcy Cain wrote:

> Gotta wonder for sure.  It could also be the case of programmers
> depending on user input but the users insist on living with the bugs
> and/or working around them.  We made crash reporting dead simple to
> report on and still users didn't bother.  We would get the traceback and
> have to guess what the user was doing.

We've found even if you directly ask the user often the answer is 'I 
dunno' or some mythology they have constructed to explain the problem. We 
had one site that reported if they hit the Enter key hard the query would 
work. It was a rather simple bug where the query would be randomly sent to 
the wrong interface.

There is quite a bit of literature in psychology about intermittent 
reinforcement and the behavioral strategies that are developed. Works for 
rats, works for humans. 

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