On Wednesday 21 September 2005 05:41, Xah Lee wrote:
> One easy way to test this, is for Pythoners to read Perl docs and
> vice versa.
> Pythoners will find that, you really don't know what the fuck the
> Perlers are talking about. Same with Perler with Python docs.

At the risk of feeding the troll here... point defeated. I learned 
Python before I learned Perl, but consider myself to now be fluent in 
both. And I find the docs for both to be immensely useful and fairly 
well-organized (OK, so sometimes I have to hunt a bit longer than I'd 
like in the Perl docs, but perldoc.perl.org looks promising). And in my 
early stages of Python from C++, and Perl from Python, shell, and C, I 
really didn't have any trouble figuring out what was going on.

So, Guido, Fred Drake, and everyone else involved in writing Python 
docs: done well you have. Keep up the good work. Python IMHO has some 
of the best docs in the open-source world (on a par with Vim).

- Michael

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