If you read again my comment, I said "almost" an static version of
Python for .NET.
That means that it's not a Python implementation, but another language.
It takes a lot from python though, and it is aknowledeged by its
creator in the first paragraph of its homepage.

And if you still feel the need to argue, please don't do it with me, do
it with Guido Van Rossum himself, who said that Boo is 95% Python, but
statically typed...
Although he makes clear that he doesn't want python to become Boo.

So, we can safely say that Boo is "almost" a static python
implementation. Wether you like or not, is another problem, but please,
do not insist with your reiterative anti-boo ranting.

I'm not a Boo evangelist and I don't think I'm perpetuating any
"nonsense". I just made a simple comment in reply to an specific
question, and I think this comment is very pertinent.


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