On Sun, 09 Oct 2005 07:19:29 +0000, Roedy Green wrote:

> On Sat, 08 Oct 2005 23:33:13 GMT, Rich Teer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote or quoted :
>>WHat the hell has that got to do with HTML email?  Sending photos
>>is an example of what attachments are for.
> Normally you send photos to grandma with captions under each photo.

No, normally YOU send photos to grandma with captions under each photo.
My grandma doesn't put captions in her photo album, and she doesn't need
captions on her photos in email.

> That is far more convenient for the technopeasant receiver than
> dealing with multiple attachments.

Only if your photos are so obscure and confusing that they need captions.

"Here's Johnny with the dog. Here is Johnny with the dog again. This one
is Johnny on his own. Here is the dog. Oh look, it is Johnny with the dog
again -- that's the dog on the left, in case it isn't clear. Just for a
change, this is Johnny wearing a hat. It is blue with a feather in it,
in case you couldn't tell from, oh I don't know, looking at the actual



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